
TestGroup is an online focus group platform in which lawyers present a distilled version of a case to members, who provide feedback. Unlike traditional focus groups, TestGroup allows you to restructure and retest your case in a cost-effective manner. This allows you to test multiple strategies and focus group cases that would not otherwise economically justify the process. The value of this product lies in the raw human insight.


We live in a day and age of big data, AI, algorithms...you name it. Independent law firms would be naive to suppose that they are in any kind of position to compete with the data trove and technological capabilities of the defense bar on these terms. An insurance company’s ability to harvest historic lawsuit data dwarfs what an independent law firm has access to. Even the busiest of independent firms would have access to a small fraction of data regarding the many aspects of how lawsuits come to be resolved.


Thus, when it comes to fighting this fight with more tech and more data, it is not one that independent law firms are likely to win. But it is also not one that we believe independent law firms need to win. Quite simply, we do not believe we need to fight on those terms, which is a good thing for all independent law firms. TestGroup is your advantage against their ability to analyze more data than we’ll ever be able to get our hands on. TestGroup allows independent law firms to dig deep into each and every case. It is a tool to allow you to study until you find out why any given case can be won when their algorithm says it won’t be won. Every case is unique, there are always strategies to win a case or maximize it’s value. We are here to help you find those strategies. This is your leg up. This is how you get an edge in an era of big data and AI. Cases are presented in a fashion in which members review distinct blocks of information. Lawyers can present their case in any manner they see fit, but pictures, quoted testimony and short video clips are most effective. The beauty of the nature of the presentation is that it allows attorneys to remove, include, and reorder the case presentation as often as they would like.

Are you a lawyer interesting in testing your case with us?


Are you interested in getting paid to provide feedback on cases?